The African Regional Organisation of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC-Africa) and its affiliates express their solidarity with the European trade union movement on the occasion of the European Trade Union Day of Action which will take place on November 14th.
This day of mobilisation initiated by the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) will enable workers across Europe to act, together and jointly, for decent working and living conditions.
For five years now, the whole world has been experiencing a financial and economic crisis which has had a devastating impact on workers and the most vulnerable people. The austerity measures adopted in Europe to enable the countries to emerge from the crisis only plunge Europe into economic recession. Far from restoring confidence, these measures increase imbalances and social injustice, and plunge millions of people into misery and anguish.
The number of unemployed keeps on increasing. Millions of workers only get short term contracts and lay off plans while precarious working conditions in the private and public sectors are on the increase. Living conditions are worsening and millions of people are either excluded or impoverished.
The plight of workers, especially in Greece, Spain and Portugal shows that the policies implemented in these countries lead to the negation of social rights. Social cohesion, social dialogue and the respect for the values guaranteed by the fundamental rights are put into question. This situation is unbearable and represents a threat to the European social model project.
ITUC-Africa joins the European trade unions to encourage the promotion of Employment and Solidarity in Europe and to say “NO” to austerity.
Kwasi Adu-Amankwah
General Secretary