The CSA (Confédération des Syndicats autonomes du Sénégal) unveiled its new headquarters in Parcelles-Assainies on Saturday, February 17, 2018, in the presence of the Senegalese Minister of Labour, Social Dialogue, Professional Organizations and Relations with Institutions.
This marked a turning point for CSA as it celebrated the unveiling and at the same time its 21st anniversary the same day. According to the Secretary General, Elimane Diouf, this realization will serve the 43 Affilliates of CSA as the facilities are equipped with modern equipment ensuring a significant organization function and will instill a new spirit of responsibility, sharing and unity amongst the militants.
The Secretary General took advantage of the presence of the Government Representative to revive the bipartite consultative framework agreed upon between the Government and the Unions. He urged the Government to honor its commitments and make the necessary means available to workers’ to avoid further demands.
He also appealed to private sector actors to recognize trade unions as partners in the world of work and whose existence only strengthens the development and growth of businesses.