The African Regional Organization of the International Trade Union Confederation
(ITUC-Africa) expresses serious concern about the on-going attacks on Gaza by the
Israeli military. Reports show that civilians, mostly children, women, the elderly and
aid workers have been worst victims of these attacks unleashed on the Gaza Strip by
the Israeli military since 6th July, 2014. These attacks have led to over 580 deaths and
still counting as the military aggression from both sides continues.
Whilst we are aware that the Israeli military has claimed that its “Operation Protective
Edge” is a tactical response to Hamas’ incessant rocket attacks, the nature of the Israeli
targets leave much to be desired as civilians and residential areas have been at the
receiving end of their attacks. Furthermore, we condemn the situation where houses,
hospitals, schools and other social infrastructures are deliberately targeted by the
Israeli military. These attacks have seriously undermined water, food and electricity
supplies thereby triggering nutrition, hygiene and sanitation crises.
ITUC-Africa demands that the United Nations go beyond merely describing the Israeli
assault on Gaza as “atrocious actions” to take urgent and firm action to achieve a
cease fire. The international community must act now to prevent further escalation of
the harrowing and sad humanitarian crises currently plaguing the Palestinian people in
the Gaza Strip.
We passionately call on the Israeli government and Hamas to cease hostilities. We
demand that humanitarian agencies must be quickly mobilized and assisted so as to
provide aid to the affected Palestinian civilian population.
Issued at Lomé, 22 July 2014
Kwasi Adu-Amankwah
General Secretary, ITUC-Africa
Statement in PDF