The opening of the fourth ITUC-Africa Congress was also an opportunity for the continent’s trade union leaders to join their voices to the call for the ratification of the new ILO instruments : Convention 190 aand Recommendation 206 against violence and harassment.
Gender-based violence is widespread yet it is under recognised as the violation of human rights that it is. During these past 4 years, ITUC-Africa has lead awareness raising actions among the continent’s trade union leadership in order to elevate the issue of gender-based violence in the world of work as a priority.
The commitment of trade unions leaders to take up ratification campaigns was clear. It is a testimony to the will of the trade union movement to develop training and awareness raising tracks as well as support material on the C190 and R206, adapted to different levels of trade union engagement. Detailing how to address cases of gender-based violence at work and measures to tackle structural issues in the workplace, practical guides in spoken and work languages can facilitate their application by members.
Trade union leaders commit to build alliances and synergies with like-minded partners and networks. Advocacy activities and campaigns can be undertaken together with civil society organisations in order to moun pressure governments to ratify, apply Convention 190 and its Recommendations.