The 3rd ITUC World Women’s Conference was held from 11 to 13 October in Costa Rica.
This large-scale conference brought together 200 union activists from around the world to chart the path towards the organization and realization of gender equality and fairness in the world of work.
Peace, freedom and democracy; the future of women at work; Building an economic agenda for women, including the care economy and women leaders and ending gender-based violence in the world of work, were the four main themes on the agenda of this campaign ’Count us in!’
This conference is held at a crucial time for women workers. We live in a context of persistent global economic crisis and employment crisis, with deleterious effects on climate change, which aggravates economic and social inequalities in many parts of the world, as well as the rise of populist misogyny and nationalism. Trade union organization and activism are all the more important if we are to change our course and create the future we want, for ourselves, for our families and our communities.
The ITUC-Africa Women’s Committee was present in its majority at this meeting.