This guidance note presents the COS framework; it reviews the concrete steps that can be used for its application and makes recommendations in this area.
L’outil TUDEP est un instrument d’apprentissage qui vise à soutenir les acteurs syndicaux du développement aux quatre coins du monde dans la mise en œuvre des principes sur l’efficacité.
TUDEP is a learning tool meant to support trade unions worldwide in the application of the effectiveness principles in their everyday development cooperation practice.
The pamphlet aims to introduce trade unionists to the 2030 Agenda and its overlap with the work of the labour movement. It gives an overview of how the Sustainable Development Goals and the work of trade unions can be mutually reinforcing and outlines some steps for trade union engagement at national, regional and international level.
Ce dépliant vise à présenter aux syndicalistes le Programme 2030, en mettant l’accent sur les activités communes avec celles du mouvement syndical. Le document explique comment les Objectifs de développement durable et le travail des syndicats peuvent se renforcer mutuellement et donne des pistes pour encourager l’engagement des syndicats aux niveaux national, régional et international.
La présente note d’orientation présente le cadre COS ; elle passe en revue les étapes concrètes qui peuvent être utilisées pour son application et formule des recommandations en la matière.
Forced labour is defined in the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 29, one of the most ratified ILO Conventions, as work that is performed involuntarily and under coercion. It can take place in any industry, including in the informal economy. Many victims, in particular women and girls, are subjected to commercial sexual exploitation, but forced labour is also prevalent in sectors such as agriculture, fishing, domestic work, construction, manufacturing and mining. It includes men, women and children in situations of debt bondage, suffering slavery-like conditions or who have been trafficked.
Sommet social, des avancées utiles mais des inquiétudes qui persistent
The African Regional Organisation of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC-Africa) expresses its support for the just demand of Nigerian workers and people for the reinstatement of the Nigerian Government’s subsidies on petroleum products. At the same time the organisation expresses its outrage at the reported killing of ten or so unarmed workers and protestors.
Communiqué de presse portant préavis de grève
29 Aug
The ITUC has expressed its deep concern about the unprecedented drought and famine in the Horn of Africa, in a letter to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, calling on the UN to dramatically scale up action to deal with the on-going human tragedy.
Renewed call for fully-fledged human and trade union rights in Swaziland on the Occasion of the Celebration of the Kingdom’s Independence: An Urgent Call on South Africa to act decisively on the side of the Swazi People and Democracy
Sur sa demande, une délégation de l’Intersyndicale des Travailleurs de la SONATEL, a été reçue, le mardi 23 Aout 2011, par le camarade Mamadou DIOUF, Secrétaire Général de la CSA.