Within the framework of the project "Strengthening ITUC-Africa’s interventions in the field of economic and social policy" supported by the Finnish trade union centre, SASK, ITUC-Africa has made an inventory of research carried out by the African trade union movement on economic and social issues, based on surveys conducted in 2009 and 2010.
These two documents highlighted outcomes of these surveys.
• For the 2009 Edition, outcomes are related to eight trade union organisations that responded to questionnaires (2009 Edition Outcomes)
• For the 2010 Edition, outcomes concerned 23 trade union organisations that responded to questionnaires (2010 Edition Outcomes)
The outcomes of these surveys and investigations conducted with stakeholders from trade unions have made possible a study entitled "Research on Economic and Social Issues within the African Trade Union Movement: A Review and the Way-forward".
This study is currently being edited and will be published very soon.
Inventory_TU_researc h_ITUC-Af_2009.pdf
Inventory_TU_researc h_ITUC-Af_2010.pdf