Capacity building of African trade unions on the financing of social protection in Africa

Keywords : Newsletters Extending Social Protection Senegal

Dakar, Senegal - From 21 to 23 August, the AXIL Hotel in Dakar hosted an important meeting for African trade unions. The African Regional Organisation of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC-Africa), in partnership with the Danish Trade Union Development Agency (DTDA) and with technical support from MISCS, organised a regional training seminar that brought together more than forty participants from ITUC-Africa affiliates. The main objective of the workshop was to strengthen the capacity of trade unions to influence the financing of social protection and to advocate for its extension to all African workers.

Social protection is essential for the well-being of workers and their families. It provides economic security in the event of illness, unemployment, maternity, old age or disability. In a rapidly changing world, the need to ensure an adequate level of social protection has become a priority, especially in Africa, where many economic and social challenges still persist. The methodology was interactive in order to ensure active and effective participation. Participants were encouraged to share their expectations, to discuss the issues at stake and to contribute actively to the discussions.

The seminar took place in a hybrid format, combining face-to-face and virtual sessions to enable wider participation. Over the three days, participants were able to achieve the following objectives:

Mastering the tools: Trade unions had the opportunity to understand and develop skills in the use of the ILO Rapid Assessment Protocol Social Protection Costing Tool (ILO/RAP) and the ILO Quantitative Platform on Social Security (ILO/QPSS). These tools are essential for the costing of social protection floors and the assessment of the financing and impact of investments in social protection, as well as providing a robust means of supporting evidence-based policy analysis and reform of social protection systems worldwide.

Trade union advocacy: Participants learned how to formulate strong advocacy messages and arguments to promote social protection for all. This includes raising awareness of social protection financing issues and their integration into national policies.

Validation of studies: Two studies were presented and validated during the seminar. The first was on "Financing social protection taking into account Recommendation 204 and gender mainstreaming" and the second was on the "ITUC-Africa trade union policy document to guide advocacy actions on the financing of the promotion and extension of social protection for all in Africa".

Joint roadmap: Participants adopted a joint roadmap for lobbying and advocacy on social protection reforms and financing, with the aim of establishing a Global Social Protection Fund for All. This roadmap aims to coordinate African trade union action on social protection.
With a better understanding of social protection issues and improved advocacy skills, participants are better prepared to influence national policies towards social security for all African workers.

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