Today, 10th December is the International Human Rights Day and is also the 70th
anniversary of the declaration of the Universal Human Rights Declaration as
endorsed by the United Nations. Today is also the day that the United Nations’
Global Compact for Migration (GCM) is being signed in Marrakech, Morocco.
The African Regional Organization of the International Trade Union
Confederation (ITUC-Africa is commemorating this year’s
International Human Rights Day with a focus on the human rights of migrants
and their families.
First, we use this occasion to reaffirm the fact that migration is not a crisis, and
that it is the governance of migration driven largely by the isolationist, marginal
and exclusionist agenda that has engineered and fueled the crisis narrative linked
to migration.
Secondly, we hold it as true that migration is a historical, natural and progressive
human phenomenon that cannot be stopped.
Thirdly, we are excited that the GCM has been signed to demonstrate a
commitment to a multilateral approach in addressing the governance deficits of
migration so that workers can effectively take advantage of the benefits that
migration offers.
Fourthly, we reject the current extremist and populist politics, policies and
actions that demonize migration and criminalize migrants. These actions are
fueling discrimination, xenophobia and hate crimes against migrants, refugees
and foreigners.
Finally, we reiterate our call to governments to take clear and effective actions to
address push factors that drive and exacerbate forced migration and
displacement. There must be the willingness and a sense of urgency to deal with
push factors such as poverty, youth unemployment, low wages, especially in the
global supply chains, political persecution, insecurity triggered by violent
conflicts, and climate change effects. These push factors aside do not only
intensify forced migration, but also undermine the human and labour rights of
people and migrants.
Governments must, therefore, commit to the genuine implementation of the
Compact in a holistic and inclusive manner. Democracy must work for all people
and not just a privileged few. Placing profits ahead of people is an approach that
should be discontinued.
We also urge countries and governments that have pulled out and declined to
endorse the Compact to rethink and rescind their stance.
ITUC-Africa will continue to collaborate with progressive and committed
governments and institutions in the quest for defending, protecting and
promoting the rights of migrants and members of their families.
Signed by Kwasi Adu-Amankwah, General Secretary ITUC-Africa.
Issued 10 December 2018, LOME - Togo.