On behalf of its 101 affiliates in 53 African countries, the African Regional Organisation of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC-Africa) joins the unions and civil society organisations, mobilised around the world, in saying: "End Corporate Greed.”
It is clear that nowadays, many companies try to considerably influence government decisions in order to maximize their profits. Unfortunately, the governments increasingly protect the interests of these companies at the expense of workers.
Salary, for many workers today, only enables them to sustain their livelihood at the subsistence level, excluding what gives meaning and dignity in it.
While companies are players in social life, they can only be so through the labour of millions of employees: every day the workers create wealth that sustains our economies. They should therefore have right to their legitimate wages.
Demanding decent working conditions is still the priority of trade union organisations which support the struggles of workers. All too often, their presence is unsolicited and their activists are discriminated against.
Social demands pertaining to income distribution, social inclusion of the poor and human rights cannot be suppressed under the pretext of building a consensus in the office or brokering ephemeral peace, in order to favour a happy minority. Human dignity and common good are far above the tranquillity enjoyed by a few fellows who are not willing to give up their privileges.
For the trade unions and other organisations championing decent work around the world, the date of 7 October is the opportunity to join the broad global mobilisation that puts man at the centre of the labour debate.
Together, let us join the fight and say: “End Corporate Greed!”