Within the framework of the training activities of a joint project of ITUC-Africa, CFDT and CGT entitled ’Supporting trade union action in the economic field to make decent work a reality in Africa’, 14 Togolese trade union experts of CARES including 7 women met at the training centre of ITUC-Africa in Lomé from 4th to 8th March 2013 to take part in a training seminar under the theme ’’Budget analysis and trade union action’’. The main objective of this seminar was to enable the members of CARES-Togo to have an in-depth understanding of state budget planning, the various mechanisms as well as the various stages of the budget cycle in Togo. This seminar also aimed at explaining to the members of CARES-Togo how trade unions should be involved in the development and monitoring of state budget so that workers’ concerns relating to decent work, social protection, efficient use of national resources in a way that meets the challenges of sustainable human development as well as poverty reduction and the priorities of trade unions working jointly in intersyndicales (i.e. interunions) are taken into account by the Government.
At the end of this seminar, the participants said that they were satisfied with the course and the tools that were put at their disposal to continue reflecting on trade union issues in the interest of the people and workers. They all admitted that trade unions should not be left out of the decision-making process concerning economic and social management of their countries and committed themselves to undertake concrete actions on the ground. They also identified priority actions focusing on research and campaigns to be conducted within a period of one year.
Thus, CARES-Togo, which brings together several trade union centres, is adequately equipped to take part in the development of state budget in Togo in the upcoming financial years. The members who were taken through the various stages of the budget cycle in Togo can now analyze and interpret state budget and carry out trade union research on budget planning in relation to workers’ concerns. Thus, in the near future, CARES-Togo will formulate, thanks to its research work on the issue, viable proposals to support the campaigns and advocacy work of the trade union movement in Togo on economic governance with the view of ensuring that public resources are used in a judicious way that guarantees greater equity and social justice in the country.